(nil): Athanasios Nenes (nenes(@)oj.rsmas.miami.edu)
Ημερομηνία: Παρ 11 Απρ 1997 - 01:35:11 EEST
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A guy's going on a business trip and he has to take his secretary with
him, and she's really crazy about him. The first night on the train,
she's in the top bunk and he's in the bottom bunk. She says, "Mr.
Forsythe! Mr. Forsythe! I'm chilly! I think I need a blanket!"
He says, "Miss Schmitt, how'd you like to pretend you're Mrs. Forsythe for
a little while?"
"I'd like that, Mr. Forsythe!"
"Then get your own damn blanket!"
- Επόμενο μήνυμα: Andreas Dakanalis: "2 Engineers and 1 bike"
- Προηγούμενο μήνυμα: Andrew Floros: "Definition of a compiler..."
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