(nil): Spiliotopoulos Georgios (georgesp(@)ceid.upatras.gr)
Ημερομηνία: Τετ 18 Ιουν 1997 - 23:40:57 EEST
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Bush and Gorbachev decided to get themselves frozen for a hundred years to
see how the current political situation resolved itself. After the time
was up they were thawed, and started to read newspapers to catch up on the
Gorbachev started to laugh. In response to Bush's question he said, "I see
that the dollar is still getting weaker."
Then Bush started to laugh. In response to Gorbachev's question of why, he
said, "I read that there is renewed fighting on the German-Chinese border.
- Επόμενο μήνυμα: Spiliotopoulos Georgios: "Cheat on your wife?"
- Προηγούμενο μήνυμα: Spiliotopoulos Georgios: "(no subject)"
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