(nil): Akis Karnouskos (akis(@)ceid.upatras.gr)
Ημερομηνία: Παρ 17 Οκτ 1997 - 18:14:07 EEST
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Coolest Hostnames
* me(@)my.net
* www.com (Thanks to jenkin(@)itl.net (James Jenkin))
* little.bit.lv (Thanks to Nick Ustinov (nick(@)bit.lv))
* monarch.butterfly.net, iron.butterfly.net, madame.butterfly.net (Thanks
to motodave(@)monarch.butterfly.net (David Levine))
* crash.ops.neosoft.com (Thanks to dbaker(@)NeoSoft.COM (Daniel Baker))
* jemima.syrup.mil (Thanks to kdea(@)cs.UCR.EDU (kevin dea))
* gratuitouslylonghostname.apana.org.au (Thanks to
chris(@)calvin.apana.org.au (Chris Saunderson))
* robot.asimov.net (I, Robot, etc.), seldon.asimov.net (named after the
Foundation hero), threelaws.asimov.net (of robotics) (Thanks to
modus(@)asimov.net (Patrick Kane))
* world.glo.be (Thanks to muumi(@)stack.urc.tue.nl (John Stienen))
* in.ter.net (Thanks to erik(@)xs4all.nl (Erik Bos))
* home.pages.de (Thanks to rah@[] (Reinhard A. Hamid))
* howling(@)themoon.com (Thanks to Mark Guagliardo
* drag.net (Thanks to shabu(@)indy.net (Shawn M. Burt))
* hyper.active.co.za, radio.active.co.za, inter.active.co.za and
retro.active.co.za (Thanks to Michael Wood (wood(@)hyper.active.co.za))
* smoke.thepipe.com (Thanks to Eric Sorenson (eric(@)aloha.net))
* waiting(@)busstop.com
* you.got.net, we.got.net, god.got.net, satan.got.net, yrmom.got.net
(Thanks to Jay Campbell (edge(@)got.net))
* clark(@)daily.planet.net (Thanks to clark himself, also speaking for
lois, jimmy and mrwhite (Fred LaParo))
* love.hate.org, pure.hate.org, sheer.hate.org, and eternal.hate.org
(Thanks to Mark S. Cornick <mark(@)evol.resnet.jmu.edu>)
* acid.base.com
* pothole.com, another.pothole.com and reallydeep.pothole.com (Thanks to
dpitkin(@)tiac.net (David Pitkin))
* you.killed.their.net, i.killed.their.net, we.killed.their.net,
they.killed.their.net, do.not.touch.their.net (Thanks to
* speedtrap.com (Thanks to andy(@)andy.net, whose roommate is bob(@)bob.net)
* me(@)this.net (Thanks to cs4gp6ad(@)church.dcss.mcmaster.ca)
* mhkohne(@)discordia.org contributes: techno.discordia.org (our router),
and fnord.discordia.org (but you can't see that one)
* lothlorien.ncsa.uiuc.edu--NCSA SDG is working on a group of tolkien
machines in the X group, including isengard, shire, fangorn and others.
NSCA also has bigbooty.ncsa.uiuc.edu. The math department at UIUC has
brands of beer eg. sharps.math.uiuc.edu, michelob, miller. (Thanks to
swetland(@)floyd.ncsa.uiuc.edu (Brian J. Swetland))
* email to superman(@)up.up.and.away.com, curt.corbain(@)blown.away.com,
curt.corbain(@)undead.com, elvis(@)undead.com, up(@)night.com, out(@)night.com,
and floyd(@)up.the.left.side.com will get someplace. Thanks to Matt
* right.back(@)you.com (Thanks to cmv(@)inforamp.net (Colin Viebrock))
* confuse-a-cat.com (from the Monty Python skit...) and
don_quixote(@)rocinante.com (Rocinante was Don Quixote's horse...) thanks
to Chris H. Kurtz (chk(@)primenet.com)
* weareb.org
* kobayashi-maru.homeport.org
* chainsaw.forestry.umt.edu (Thanks to spurl(@)bigsky.net (Scott Perl))
* command.com (Thanks to erik(@)softaid.net (Erik Hanson))
* most.weird.com (Thanks to toomas(@)qtp.ufl.edu (Toomas Tamm))
* dogbert.res.wpi.edu (Thanks to felicity(@)eclectic.res.wpi.edu (Theo Van
* Monks can't seem to get enough of high technology -- first they
released chart-topping Gregorian chants. Now they've scrambled on the
net! pax.osb.hu serves the Ordo Sancte Benedicti monastery and boarding
school in Hungary.
* geeksrus.com (Thanks to Tom(@)Negrino.com)
* straight.outta.compton.org (Thanks to root(@)robsession.interstate.net
* animaniacs fans run rampant at utexas, with yakko, wakko, dot,
hello-nurse, katie-kaboom, pinky, and brain.cs.utexas.edu. (Thanks to
* in a similar vein, WPI follows movie themes such as Buckaroo Bonzai:
planet10.wpi.edu, buckaroo.wpi.edu, rajeesh, bigboote, etc and the
Blues Brothers (jake and elwood), the cartoon lab has goofy, snowhite,
taz, etc...
* warn-is-just-like-die-except-that-it-doesnt.iguana.be
* lying-naked-in-the-periwinkle.mit.edu, uuuuuu.u6.org (Thanks to
mkgray(@)MIT.EDU (Matthew K Gray))
* warez.org (software piracy association)
* free-oj.org (self explanatory :-)
* cert.com (a cert spoof)
* rubbers.org (society for wearable condoms)
* paranoid.org (just because we are paranoid)
* monitored.org
* net-free-or-die.org
* gimme.mutha.fuckin.warez.clever.net (Thanks to antix(@)www.one.net)
* in-and-out.com
* hackers.org
* redbox.newhackcity.net (thanks to sciri(@)newhackcity.net (Digital
* nudist.org
* devnull.cis.temple.edu
* multiple.org (Thanks to eha(@)itn.is (Elias Halldor Agustsson))
* my-hostname-is-longer-than-yours.MIT.EDU (Thanks to cat(@)mit.edu
(Calista E Tait))
* boneless-skinless-chicken-breast.frozen.com (Thanks to lkoenig(@)MR.Net
(Lon Koenig))
* spaceheater.brownout.com
* locutus(@)of.The-B.org (Thanks to cjas(@)pobox.com (Craig Stacey))
* mail to elders(@)zion.org user(@)domain.com, cthulhu(@)necronomi.com,
someone(@)nowhere.com, alice(@)wonderland.stanford.edu and foo(@)bar.com will
actually go somewhere, I'm told.
* fubar.cs.montana.edu
* vo.mit.edu, dam.mit.edu (Thanks to bill(@)b62772.student.cwru.edu (Bill
* gary.cooper.edu (Thanks to Gedalia Pasternak)
* dogbert.svl.trw.com
* lebigmac.com; marcia.hercules.com, kato.hercules.com,
lance.hercules.com, akita.hercules.com, oj.hercules.com (Thanks to
* left.wing.org and arpa.net (Thanks to ches(@)research.att.com)
* mayo.nais.com, dijon.nais.com, bern.nais.com (Thanks to Dave Lanton
* optim.ism.net, despot.ism.net, parallel.ism.net and sch.ism.net (Thanks
to rye(@)selway.umt.edu (Ryan Snyder))
* no-sir-i-did-not-see-you-playing-with-your-dolls-again.ai.mit.edu
* uu.uu.uu.pobox.com (double-u, double-u, double-u ... *groan*)
* deadhackers.cia.net (old unix hackers don't die, they just turn into
zombie processes.)
* tick.cs.unlv.edu, tock.cs.unlv.edu (NTP time servers. Thanks to Nathan
Silva <nathans(@)mtrx.com>)
* abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_Now_I_know_my_ABCs.yikes.com
* electro.cute.fi (Thanks to zamir(@)xgw.fi (Sami Reimavuo))
* didnt.doit.wisc.edu (Thanks to rps8(@)psu.edu (Ralf Southard))
* home.team.org
* suicide.guru.sub.de
* kill-o-zap.amug.org
* padded.sel.cam.ac.uk (A student's computer at Selwyn College, Cambridge
University, UK)
* silly.com
* diplomatic.passport.ca
* pearly-gates.vatican.com
* atdot.ind.wpi.edu (try giving out your email address @ that hostname)
* beavis.fire.com, butthead.fire.com, this_sucks.fire.com,
huh_huh.fire.com, cornholio.fire.com, fire.fire.com
* ude.tim.ia.ung.gnu.ai.mit.edu, big-festering-pus-filled-sores.mit.edu,
tetrahydrocannabinol.mit.edu, masticated-neo-bohemian-cthuloid.mit.edu
* ada-95-YOU-WILL.intrepid.com,
* I-made-this-hostname-just-to-get-into-coolhosts-html.blackdown.org
* devnull.ping.de
* I-want-Uma-Thurman-to-spin-on-my-johnson.blackdown.org
* clever.ping.com, pong.ping.com
* cute.cute.fi, ugly.cute.fi
* u-sure-r-nosey.ucsc.edu (found en route during traceroute
* com.com.com
* imageek.york.cuny.edu
* twilight_zone.cosmic.com
* microsoft.is.lame.org, intel.is.lame.org, ibm.is.lame.org
fat-chix.are.lame.org, you.are.lame.org, i.am.lame.org
* defenestration.dorm.umd.edu
* geeks.org
* squeamish-ossifrage.mit.edu (if you don't know RSA, you don't know
* warez.dsnet.com (hint: nslookup)
* venus.twu.edu (texas womens university, that is)
* dons_most_incredible_compaq_laptop.mo.nrcs.usda.gov
* anxiety-closet.mit.edu, bloody-chainsaw.mit.edu
* sci.fi
* widomaker.widomaker.com
* bullsh.iit.edu, chickensh.iit.edu, no-sh.iit.edu
* waynesworld.ucsd.edu
* deep-thought.tstc.edu, surf.tstc.edu
* tragically.hip.berkeley.edu, dislocated.hip.berkeley.edu,
* tyrell.net
* tcpip.net
* dysfunctional-relationship.ecst.csuchico.edu
* governmentally-induced.paranoia.com
* unknown?.cpd.tandem.com
* crispy-wheats-n-chicken.ai.mit.edu
* sploding-pig.gnu.ai.mit.edu (acknowledgements to piglet)
* bloody-nut-bran.gnu.ai.mit.edu (acknowledgements to piglet)
* piglet.anderson.com (is anderson consulting a secret front for the
church of piglet?)
* this-is-so-incredibly-long-that-it-violates-RFC1123.cbi.tamucc.edu
* ohsaycan.ucc.american.edu
* neuromancer.hacks.arizona.edu, wintermute.hacks.arizona.edu
* tibet.yak.net
* wiretap.spies.com, goonsquad.spies.com
* rtfm.mit.edu
Joke of the Day ... Ελληνική Λίστα Ανεκδότων
Info --> https://anekdota.duckdns.org/jokes_list.html
- Επόμενο μήνυμα: Akis Karnouskos: "Koinwniko Minima"
- Προηγούμενο μήνυμα: Akis Karnouskos: "(no subject)"
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