(nil): Mr. I. Litinas (i.litinas(@)ic.ac.uk)
Ημερομηνία: Κυρ 07 Δεκ 1997 - 21:12:09 EET
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Husband returns home late and finds a naked dude in his wife's bedroom closet.
- Hey, what are you doing in here?
- I'm riding a bus.
- That's a stupid thing to say!
- That's a stupid thing to ask!
- I will never forget the party when I met my wife...
- It was pretty romantic, was it?
- M-m-m-m yea... I thought she was at home with the kids...
Wife returns home late and says to her husband:
- You know, hon, I've just been raped!
- Eat a lemon.
The following evening:
- Hey hon, I've just been raped!
- Eat a lemon.
And the next evening:
- Hon, I've been raped again!
- Eat a lemon.
- Why the hell have you been telling me to eat a lemon, goddamnit?
- I can't stand seeing your happy face.
A couple goes on vacation. They are on the railway station with big mountains
of luggage and the husband says:
- We should have taken our piano.
- Very funny.
- Yes, we have left out tickets on it.
Wife confesses at the bedside of her dying husband.
- I have cheated on you only twice: once with an orchestra and the other time
with a football team.
Joke of the Day ... Ελληνική Λίστα Ανεκδότων
Info --> https://anekdota.duckdns.org/jokes_list.html
- Επόμενο μήνυμα: Dimitris the EcoLog Drakula: "lewforio!"
- Προηγούμενο μήνυμα: Dimitris Glavas: "kalo!"
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