(nil): Vana Doufexi (vana(@)csrd.uiuc.edu)
Ημερομηνία: Δευ 16 Μαρ 1998 - 19:54:52 EET
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Apo to CNN:
LONDON (Reuters) -- A British man trapped the thief who stole his pager by
leaving a message saying he had won 500 pounds ($835) in a competition.
David Withers lost the pager when his car was broken into. Builder Justin
Clark, ensnared in the simplest of stings, was fined 150 pounds ($251) for
being in possession of stolen property after answering the message.
Withers told reporters: "I was fuming when I found my car had been broken
into. I called police and then decided to leave the message. Not long
afterwards, my mobile rang and a shady-sounding voice asked about the
"I told him he had won 500 pounds in a church fete and that I had paged
him because I did not want to send the money by post. The police arrested
the idiot when he came to collect the prize. I could not believe anybody
would be that stupid."
\ _ / Vana Doufexi
\_(0)_/ vana(@)csrd.uiuc.edu
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* o @ o *
Joke of the Day ... Ελληνική Λίστα Ανεκδότων
Info --> https://anekdota.duckdns.org/jokes_list.html
- Επόμενο μήνυμα: Nick the Greek: "Ροζ Ελληνικός Κινηματογράφος"
- Προηγούμενο μήνυμα: Anastassia Ailamaki: "Ta Spourgitia ..."
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