(nil): Georgios Tsoukalas (georget(@)tnarobag.com)
Ημερομηνία: Παρ 05 Νοε 1999 - 03:12:11 EET
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Twrapou eida merika pou exoun sxesh me EllhnoAgglikoGreeklish h
communicating in "proper english", "greek english" and "greek".
We have had help from the following people whose influence has allowed us to
express ourselves as freely as we do and they deserve some of the credit for
this edition:
Translation: Jim Bookie
Editing: Gay Misou
Layout: Pana Heso
Typesetting: Andy Gamisou
Assistant Editor: Pam Egiakatourima
Proper English - Greek English - Greek
No worries - noworis - kanena provlima
Hello - allaou - Yia
I don't know - eyerono - Pou thes na xero
That's all right - etsorait - kala
Yes - mmm - ame
No - mm mm Tsou - oxi re pousti
excuse me - ey - re malaka
what's the time - pls otsi taim - mazi to exoume to roloi
Could I have a glass of water - pls wun wota plis - ena nero grigora
Could you tell me when the next bus is due ? - when cuming next bus - miazo
yia othigo
Oh blast! - fukyen sit - yamimeno
Oh well - awell - then gamiete
You're very beautiful - yiou very sexy - ise mounara
Would you like to come in for coffee? - yiou fukoffi ela - pame yia
You awful woman - fukyen bits - kariola
You're late - cuman, otsi taim - pou ise re pousti
Thank you - thengiou - (No translation found)
I'm sorry - skiuped - stravomara
You idiot - blar ry inthies - kimismeno
I love beautiful woman - be youri ful ngel - m'aresi na gamao
You are a disgrace - I kill you - gamiese apo ton ngolo
Where are you? - where you are - pou gamiese
Joke of the Day ... Ελληνική Λίστα Ανεκδότων
Πληροφορίες --> https://anekdota.duckdns.org/jokes_list.html
- Επόμενο μήνυμα: lena tahmasidu: "Istories twn bar..."
- Προηγούμενο μήνυμα: webhamster(@)sympan.gr: ""ATTACH" KAI XRONIA POLLA"
- Μηνύματα ταξινομημένα ανά: [ ημερομηνία ] [ thread ] [ θέμα ] [ συγγραφέα ] [ Επισυναπτόμενο ]
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