(nil): Mazo11(@)aol.com
Ημερομηνία: Παρ 12 Μαΐ 2000 - 08:13:04 EEST
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Enas Germanos, enas Rwssos & enas Amerikanos Pilotos kathonte s'ena Bistro
tou aerodromiou ths Frankfourths.
O Rwssos leei:
"Emeis sthn Mosxa kataskeuazoume twra toso megala aeroplana, pou tha pairnoun
mesa mia omada Podosfairou & 5000 akomh anthrwpous."
Tote peismatika leei o Amerikanos:
"Auto den einai tipota, emeis exoume hdh sto Sikago aeroplana pou pairnoun 2
Podosfairikes omades & 10000 anthrwpous."
Monon o Germanos menei siwphlos, me thn sobarothta pou ton diakrinei. Ton
pwta tote o Rwssos:
"Eseis sthn Germania den exete opwsdhpote toso megala aeroplana?!"
"Exoume" apanta o Germanos, "alla den kserw akribws to megethos tous. Mporw
omws na sou dihghthw kati apo thn teleutaia pthsh mou.
Eimastan akribws epanw apo ton Atlantiko otan akousa ena thorybo.
Lew ston Cockpiloto mou. <Mpes sto VW Golf & phgaine sto deksi
ftero tou aeroplanou>. Meta apo mish wra hrthe pisw. <Den brhka tipota>.
<Tote phgaine sto aristero>. Meta apo allh mish wra hrthe pisw. <Pali
tipota!>. <Tote aneba sthn Porsche & phgaine sthn oura!>
Meta apo tessereis wres erxete pisw.
<Apisteuto, ti akoh exeis! O thorybos htan, giati enas blakas ksexase to
parathyro ths toualettas anoixto & ena Boing 747 petakse apo ekei, mesa & ...
peta twra akomh gyrw apo thn lampa!>"
Joke of the Day ... Ελληνική Λίστα Ανεκδότων
Newsgroup (Read-Only) news://news.sae.gr/grk.jokes
Πληροφορίες --> https://anekdota.duckdns.org/
- Επόμενο μήνυμα: Mazo11(@)aol.com: "Synepeia"
- Προηγούμενο μήνυμα: George (@)nagnostopoulos: "FW: DIAVASE"
- Μηνύματα ταξινομημένα ανά: [ ημερομηνία ] [ thread ] [ θέμα ] [ συγγραφέα ] [ Επισυναπτόμενο ]
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