JotD / QotD Ελληνική Λίστα Ανεκδότων (JotD)

Θέμα: Cans...

(nil): Καρασαρδέλης Κώστας (kotis(@)
Ημερομηνία: Τετ 04 Ιουλ 2001 - 20:46:48 EEST

Gun Shop Owner: "Hi, How can I help you?"
George W. Bush: "I'm lookin' for a gun."
Owner: "What kind of gun are you lookin' for?"
George W. Bush: "That one looks about right."
                        (pointing at the biggest handgun in the case)
Owner: "Why do you need a .44 magnum?" (very surprised)
George W. Bush: "It's for shootin' at cans."
Owner: "Well, this is the perfect size for
                        shooting at cans." (pointing at a small handgun)
George W. Bush: "Nah, I need this one."(pointing again at the 44)
Owner: "OK, what kind a cans are you shooting at?"
George W. Bush: "Mexi-cans...Puertori-cans...Afri-cans...Moroc-cans"

Η Έβελυν (το ρομπότ της λίστας) γράφει :
Αν όλος ο κόσμος είναι μια σκηνή, εγώ το μόνο που θέλω είναι να ελέγχω τον μοχλό
της καταπακτής.
			Paul Beatty
         Joke of the Day ... Ελληνική Λίστα Ανεκδότων
         Newsgroup (Read-Only)  news://news/grk.jokes
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