(nil): Giorgos Pallas (gpall(@)ccf.auth.gr)
Ημερομηνία: Τρι 05 Απρ 2005 - 11:07:06 EEST
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Ekpliktiko spam pou mou eftase sto mailbox xthes...
Oi anthrwpoi den exoun to theo tous... stin kyrioleksia ;-)
ps. Antaksei , einai aggliko, mi gkriniazete, dwrean frontistirio...
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2005 20:59:08 -0700
From: maria_coly2(@)iol.pt
Dear Sir
I am Rev Sister Maria Collins from Roman Catholic church in Rome.
I was a Personnel Assistant to( Pope John Paul II), I am writing this
letter confidentially to you just because as a woman of God that
you can help me.
On this note, I and his lordship,(pope John paul) made a deposit of 8.6 million
(Eight Million six hundred thousand U.S. Dollars)
in spain ,it was only I that have the knowledge about the deposit which can
never be traced by any other Bishop/church leaders of our Diocese
because all the depository documents with respect to the deposit are with me,incuding the bank
and please kindly give me your bank account in any part of the world so
that i will send it to the bank in sapin for them to transfer the money to your account
you know my Lordship (Pope John paul) died some forthinght ago, there is nobody who
will inherit the money, and i don"t want the money to be consfiscatd by some doubious
people due to the fact that he had no immediate familly. I promicse you 40% of the total sum
of the money when transfered. please reply me immediately because I want the money
to be withdrawn as soon as possible.
Thanks and God bless you
In consent with this request please write to me on
maria_coly(@)yahoo.com for further details.
Yours faithfully,
Rv. Sister Maria Collins
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- Επόμενο μήνυμα: Χρονοντούλαπο: "Επετειολόγιον 05 Απριλίου"
- Προηγούμενο μήνυμα: Fragas: "γονικη αγαπη (2)"
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