(nil): AL BANDY (al.bandyyy(@)gmail.com)
Ημερομηνία: Τρι 17 Ιαν 2006 - 10:50:54 EET
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> Η Έβελυν (Jokes-Robot(@)ceid.upatras.gr) γράφει :
> Ήξερες οτι ...
> O ισχυρότερος μυς στο ανθρώπινο σώμα είναι η γλώσσα.
Όχι δεν το ήξερα.
Ήξερα αυτό που λέει η wikipedia στη σελίδα
Ακολουθεί απόσπασμα
"The strongest human muscle
Depending on what definition of "strongest" is used, many different
muscles in the human body can be characterized as being the
In ordinary parlance, muscular "strength" usually refers to the
ability to exert a force on an external objectβ€»for example, lifting a
weight. By this definition, the masseter or jaw muscle is the
strongest. The 1992 Guinness Book of Records records the achievement
of a bite strength of 975 lbf (4337 N) for two seconds. What
distinguishes the masseter is not anything special about the muscle
itself, but its advantage in working against a much shorter lever arm
than other muscles.
If "strength" refers to the force exerted by the muscle itself, e.g.
on the place where it inserts into a bone, then the strongest muscles
are those with the largest cross-sectional area at their belly. This
is because the tension exerted by an individual skeletal (striated)
muscle fiber does not vary much, either from muscle to muscle, or with
length. Each fiber can exert a force on the order of 0.3 micronewtons.
By this definition, the strongest muscle of the body is usually said
to be the Quadriceps femoris or the Gluteus maximus.
Again taking strength to mean only "force" (in the physicist's sense,
and as contrasted with "energy" or "power"), then a shorter muscle
will be stronger "pound for pound" (i.e. by weight) than a longer
muscle. The uterus may be the strongest muscle by weight in the human
body. At the time when an infant is delivered, the human uterus weighs
about 40 oz (1.1 kg). During childbirth, the uterus exerts 25 to 100
lbf (100 to 400 N) of downward force with each contraction.
The external muscles of the eye are conspicuously large and strong in
relation to the small size and weight of the eyeball. It is frequently
said that they are "the strongest muscles for the job they have to do"
and are sometimes claimed to be "100 times stronger than they need to
be." Eye movements, however, are and probably "need" to be
exceptionally fast.
The unexplained statement that "the tongue is the strongest muscle in
the body" appears frequently in lists of surprising facts, but it is
difficult to find any definition of "strength" that would make this
statement true. Note that technically the tongue consists of sixteen
muscles, not one. The tongue may possibly be the strongest muscle at
The heart has a claim to being the muscle that performs the largest
quantity of physical work in the course of a lifetime. Estimates of
the power output of the human heart range from 1 to 5 watts. This is
much less than the maximum power output of other muscles; for example,
the quadriceps can produce over 100 watts, but only for a few minutes.
The heart does its work continuously over an entire lifetime without
pause, and thus can "outwork" other muscles. An output of one watt
continuously for seventy years yields a total work output of 2 to 3
Γ—109 joules."
Πάντως αν η κοπέλα της παρακάτω φωτογραφίας καταφέρει να σηκωθεί
σίγουρα θα έχει για πιο δυνατούς μυς τους κοιλιακούς
-- Η Έβελυν (Jokes-Robot(@)ceid.upatras.gr) γράφει : Η ησυχία που επικρατεί στο δάσος δεν αποδεικνύει ότι έφυγαν τα φίδια. ________________________________________________________________________ Joke of the Day ... Ελληνική Λίστα Ανεκδότων https://anekdota.duckdns.org ___ Η JotD βγαίνει σε Ελληνικά και Greeklish ___ ________________________________________________________________________

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