(nil): xristina maria (bonatsa(@)hotmail.com)
Ημερομηνία: Παρ 27 Απρ 2007 - 03:46:46 EEST
- Μηνύματα ταξινομημένα ανά: [ ημερομηνία ] [ thread ] [ θέμα ] [ συγγραφέα ] [ Επισυναπτόμενο ]
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> Question: Ms America, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
> Ms America: Well, I can say that male organs in America are like
> Question: How can you say so? >> Ms America: Because it stands every
>time it sees a
> woman..........................
> (Applause! Applause!)
> Question: Ms Spain, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
> Ms Spain: Male organs in our country are like our very own Bullfight or
> (Bull)
> Question: How can you say so?
> Ms Spain: Because it charges every time it sees an opening....
> (Applause! Applause!)
> Question: Ms Philippines, how do you describe a male organ in your
> Ms Philippines: Well, I can say that male organs in our country are
> gossip or rumors.
> Question: How can you say so?
> Ms Philippines: Because it passes from mouth to mouth......
> (Applause! Applause! Standing Ovation! Applause! Applause!) >>
> Question: Ms Soudi Arabia, how do you describe a male organ in your
country? >>
> Ms Saudi: Well, I can say that male organs in Saudi are like thieves.
> Question: How can you say so?
> Ms Saudi: Because they like to enter through the back door..... >>
>(Applause! Applause! Laughter! Laughter! Applause! Applause!)
> Question: Ms Malaysia, how do you describe a male organ in your
> Ms Malaysia: Well, I can say that Male Organs in Malaysia are like
> car. >> Question: How can you say so?
> Ms Malaysia: Look tough but actually very
> soft............................
> (Applause! Applause! Laughter! Laughter! Applause! ) >>
> Question: Ms Singapore,how do you describe a male organ in your
> Ms Singapore: Well, I can say that male organ in Singapore is very
> (Afraid to lose).
> Question: How can you say so?
> Ms Singapore: It always wants to rush in quick and leave 15 minutes
> before
> the show is over >> (Applause! Applause! Applause! Applause! Applause!)
> Question: Ms India, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
> Ms India: Well, I can say the male organs in India are like labourers.
> Question: How can you say so?
> Ms India: Because it works day and night......
> (Applause! Applause! Applause!) >
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-- Η Έβελυν (Jokes-Robot(@)ceid.upatras.gr) γράφει : Γουρούνι στο σακί. ________________________________________________________________________ Joke of the Day ... Ελληνική Λίστα Ανεκδότων https://anekdota.duckdns.org ___ Η JotD βγαίνει σε Ελληνικά και Greeklish ___ ________________________________________________________________________
- Επόμενο μήνυμα: Χρονοντούλαπο: "Επετειολόγιον 27 Απριλίου"
- Προηγούμενο μήνυμα: Nikos Tsekhs: "Τις γόβες στο χέρι"
- Μηνύματα ταξινομημένα ανά: [ ημερομηνία ] [ thread ] [ θέμα ] [ συγγραφέα ] [ Επισυναπτόμενο ]
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