(nil): Robin Wood (R.Wood(@)Lancaster.ac.uk)
Ημερομηνία: Τετ 15 Απρ 1998 - 00:01:31 EEST
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> #3 The Blind Beggar
> A blind beggar had a brother who died. What relation was the blind
> beggar to the brother who died? (Brother is not the answer).
> The other man was his spiritual brother? Like a monk or something?
It was his sister
> #4 The Elder Twin
> One day Kerry celebrated her birthday. Two days later her older
> twin brother, Terry, celebrated his birthday. How come?
Terry was twin with someone else, not Kerry
Joke of the Day ... Ελληνική Λίστα Ανεκδότων
Πληροφορίες --> https://anekdota.duckdns.org/jokes_list.html
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- Σαν απάντηση στο: Christos Minias: "RE: 4 Quizzes! 4 Answers"
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